Three Mistakes I Made Teaching with Artificial Intelligence

Let's be honest. Being a teacher and school leader can be overwhelming.

There is so much to do (not enough time), so much to learn (where do we even start), and it all keeps changing. In my last few posts, we dove into some of the real reasons we are struggling in a world of distraction and artificial intelligence.

But, we want to make a difference. That’s why we got into education. We want to be innovative, creative, and make a greater impact.

It’s easy to say, but for me, it is also even easier to fall back into a pattern of what we’ve always done, instead of answering the question: What is best for this learner in this situation?

We are also surrounded by teachers, leaders, parents, and even students who are playing the ​game of school​. It’s been set up this way for years and it is hard to break decades of doing things “the way they always have been done” (even when we know it isn’t best for kids).

The problem is that teaching and learning with A.I. looks different than our previous learning experiences. That doesn't mean that the same key elements of social, human, meaning-centered, and language-based learning don't apply. It only means that they look different.

To have success teaching and learning with A.I., it has to look different. That's why we often get a lot of resistance when we come up with new ideas.

It's why there isn't always positive feedback when we try to learn differently, because it is going against the status quo.

And, it's why being prepared for the next wave of generative artificial intelligence is not easy, even if it is needed in our schools today.

I'll also admit that I got caught up in wanting to be the "innovative teacher", without realizing all the mistakes I was making in this journey. If you are doing things a bit differently with your students, or in your school, or in your role - check out the mistakes I share below.

If for only one reason: to learn from someone who spent a lot of time making mistakes in the journey to new and better learning.

Please Don’t Make These Mistakes That I Did Trying to Be the "Innovative Teacher" with Artificial Intelligence

#1: Too much time spent thinking, reading, and watching what might change your teaching, your school, education -- and not enough time spent doing the work.

I read a lot of blogs, and a lot of books, and watch a lot of videos on how to transform teaching and learning with Artificial Intelligence. So much so, that a few months ago I felt overwhelmed just by the amount of reading I had to do, and completely stopped, cold turkey.

I was spending so much time consuming information, that it left almost no time to create, make, and design something different.

I also was envious of what others were doing. It didn’t help me personally, or my learners, when I spent this much time consuming information.

After taking a break from all reading, I realized that there was a reason I consumed. I wanted to make that difference. Yet, unless I started taking action, there was not going to be any change that was made.

I started reading, watching, and listening with purpose again. This time, I chose wisely and purposefully what I fed my brain. And it served as inspiration and motivation in the creation process.

Don’t get drowned out by the massive amount of information (which can be good) and forget to make time for creating. Let it be the inspiration for innovative work instead.

#2: Focusing on the shiny new A.I. programs, apps, and products instead of what works.

Yes, I am still recovering from years of worrying about the newest, latest, greatest thing. Whenever a new product, or new release, or new phone would come out, I would jump on the bandwagon immediately.

For some reason it felt good to be the first, even if being the first had no impact on my life, my work, or what I wanted to do in my role.

The problem is that I was using technology, and pretending to be innovative, for the sake of technology. This happened at first when I was using new A.I. tools.

There are a ton of artificial intelligence apps and tools that have a real purpose in teaching and learning, and of course, there are others that are shiny and fun but lack utility.

I had the “new” part of innovation, but not the “new ideas that work better” piece. It is a trap that I still find myself struggling with, and the only way I’ve been able to focus on the work instead of the new is through a community of great teachers and leaders who hold me accountable.

#3: Trying to do everything by yourself. You aren’t a lone wolf, you are human, and humans need community to thrive and innovate.

Which brings us to our third mistake. One that I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about. It seems the majority of people I talk to who are doing this work with artificial intelligence in their schools or districts share one of two stories. In fact, I've experienced both stories.

The first story goes something like this. They consistently try to improve and iterate and innovate. Each project and year go by as their students are exposed to new ideas and it takes a lot of time to get buy-in from their colleagues and school leaders to allow this sort of work to happen inside of school. They tend to be worn out and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of time it takes to be innovative and creative, hoping that somewhere along the way someone will join their cause, and be innovative as well. After years of trying to do things the right way, they either leave for another place or become bitter at trying to make a difference.

The second story is much different and goes a bit like this: They are part of a community. Their colleagues share, support, and celebrate learning that looks different. They fail often but have a team around them to help spring them back up and keep moving forward. There is a sense of purpose in their day-to-day work, and the students and school culture are a reflection of this type of learning. They aren’t tired but instead inspired to continue pushing the boundaries of what works best for students.

The big difference between story #1 and story #2 is that the person in story #2 has a community around them that supports, celebrates, and picks them up throughout the creative process. We must have a group of people we can lean on, bounce ideas off of, and talk to, in order to keep doing the work that matters.

As Marget Mead said:

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.

Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

I share all these mistakes, and what I've learned from others, as we are about to share with all of you an awesome new opportunity for community around teaching and learning with artificial intelligence.


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